Resources for Families

The most important thing that you can do is be involved — involved in the life of your family member, in activities in the community, and with groups that advocate for better conditions and acceptance. We encourage you to actively participate in our activities and events. In addition to our website, we have printed materials that you can use to navigate the system and learn about supports that are available to your family member. There are lots of resources and websites where you can get information.

Click here for a list of helpful links to government and community websites that will help you get involved or get needed information.

Resources for the Community

In addition to the services and supports that we provide to the developmentally disabled and elderly people we regularly serve, AIRES also provides services to people served by other service providers and the community in general. For people who are either new to the system or need additional help designing a successful Individual Support Plan, AIRES has certified Person Centered Planning Specialists who can help. Our Person Centered Planning Specialists will work with the whole ISP team to create a plan that is: 1) person centered, 2) realistic, and 3) optimistic. Person Centered Planning is a great way to realize dreams and improve quality of life. Click here (PDF) for information about our Person Centered Planning services.

AIRES offers training for new Direct Support Professionals (caregivers) or current Direct Support Professionals who need to re-certify in mandatory courses. Service providers who need to get staff trained but don’t have the time or resources to make it happen can turn to the AIRES Quality Enhancement Department for help. AIRES holds regular training classes across the state and can provide training on site, too. Click here for information about our Community Training Solutions.